It seems that the Ethereum digger will face the Difficulty Bomb again. - แจกเหรียน Ethereum ฟรี


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วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2562

It seems that the Ethereum digger will face the Difficulty Bomb again.

The Blockchain of Ethereum is known to have been greatly affected by the bomb bombs embedded in the code, and the Hard Fork that will occur this month is expected to change much more in the future.

At first, a number of codes were created for diggers and developers to manage changing algorithms proof-of-work to proof-of-stake resulting in difficulty bomb referring to during the Ethereum's previous CCO 2015, Stephan Tual has increased steadily on Blockchain Ethereum

Then the Diff value began to increase steadily until December last year until the developers of Ethereum had to delay the addition of the Diff value twice, in In June 2017 and October of the same year, initially, it had little impact, but later became more and more affected on the Blockchain network of Ethereum.

According to Etherscan's report on Monday, it was revealed that the block reward obtained from digging on the Ethereum Blockchain was reduced to 13,131 ETH compared to mid-November last year with a block reward of 20,000 ETH.

In addition, according to Etherscan, since December last year, the Ethereum Blockchain has reduced the number of blocks per day below 4,500 blocks.

Afri Schoedon, the distribution manager of Parity Ethereum Client, said that if the problem is not resolved for the next few months, the difficulty bomb will have the lowest level in the history of Ethereum Blockchain.

Therefore it is necessary to delay the difficulty bomb again for about 12 months during the new system upgrade known as the upgrade. Constantinople

By which Mr. Schoedon said the upgrade Constantinople Previously, the aim was to complete the upgrade and activate this month when the block number was 7,280,000, which would increase the number of blocks to stabilize at 5,700 blocks per day and reduce the time to create new blocks to about 15. Seconds per block

It's not the first time that the main developer of Ethereum has tried to solve the difficulty of the bomb bomb, which Mr. Schoedon said. The effects of this repeated bomb need to be resolved.

"Difficulty Bomb is very boring and useless."

Time has expired
Mr Schoedan spoke of changing algorithms into PoS, also known as Ethereum 2.0 (or Serenity), that it might not happen within this year or next year, he said.

"Personally, I don't want to deal with the difficulty bomb anymore because the Serenity would not be activated this year or next year. So why do you? "

On this issue, ETHHub founder Eric Conner commented that the motivation to solve the effects of the difficulty bomb was not as before.

"I now think that society and developers focus on Ethereum 2.0 and PoS." At this point, developers focus on upgrading. "

But some developers have seen that difficulty bomb plays an important role in network development.

Regarding Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) Mr. Schoedon Ehฺe as it will help slow the course Difficulty Bomb including Mr. Marcus Ligi founder Walleth (a wallet Ethereum for android) has said.

"I am afraid that without the difficulty bomb, we may not see this system upgrade at all. People will not update the software because it is not necessary. "

Past Difficulty Bomb Values
As a result of the Difficulty Bomb delay previously caused by the Byzantium system upgrade , users are faced with the Diff increase that is much higher during the year 2017.

The dredge value of the digging has increased from two factors, resulting in a bomb in every 100,000 blocks. Mr. Conner said, and in October 2017, before the Byzantium upgrade, the maximum blocking time on the network, Ethereum said. Is 30 seconds per block

Which Mr. Conner did not talk about any further effects from the difficulty bomb on the Ethereum network. Constantinople It may be expected that when the Diff value of the excavation occurs in the block at 7,300,000   

In addition, when activated Constantinople then block reward from digging will be reduced from 3 ETH to 2 ETH. Reducing this number or  thirdening  is to reduce the impact of inflation on the network without adding difficulty bomb.

From the chart below, ETHHub will show that there will be less ETH coins issued in the following years.

And of course, the trend of ETH coin issuance based on the orange line depends on the activation. Constantinople and Serenity in the next 2-3 years, while the Serenity experiment is expected to be launched in March . However, the only time that can be said is Kribe Kurren. How much has Z developed?

